One Piece Chapter 1108: – One Piece is one of the most popular and oldest manga series in the world, created by Eiichiro Oda. It follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew of pirates, searching for the legendary treasure One Piece and aiming to become the Pirate King.
The latest chapter of One Piece, Chapter 1107, was released on January 5, 2024, and was exciting and emotional. It revealed the fate of Kuma, one of the former members of the Revolutionary Army and former Warlord of the Sea, turned into a human weapon by the World Government. The chapter also showed the reunion of Bonney, another former Warlord, and member of the Worst Generation, with her father, who turned out to be none other than Kuma himself. The chapter ended with a heartfelt farewell between Bonney and Kuma, who thanked her for saving him from his misery.
Now, fans are eagerly awaiting the next chapter of One Piece, Chapter 1108, which is expected to be released on February 21, 2024. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming chapter, including the release date, time zone, countdown, spoiler, English spoiler release date, English spoiler countdown, raw analysis release date, raw analysis countdown, previous chapter recap, plotlines, notes, and where to read.
- One Piece Chapter 1108 Release Date
- Countdown Information
- What are the spoilers for this manga chapter?
- English Spoiler Release Date
- English Spoiler Countdown
- Fan Notes and Reviews
- Where to Read
- Raw Analysis Release Date
- Raw Analysis Countdown
- What happened in One Piece Chapter 1107?
- Expectations for the Next Story
One Piece Chapter 1108 Release Date
The release of One Piece Chapter 1108 is slated for February 26, 2024, at 12:00 PM JST (Japan Standard Time). Fans can enjoy the chapter on the official platforms provided by VIZ Media and Manga Plus by Shueisha, where they can access the latest chapters of One Piece and various other beloved manga titles for free and legally.
Countdown Information
As of writing this article, there are 6 days, 5 hours, and 45 minutes left until the release of One Piece Chapter 1108. You can check the live countdown here: [One Piece Chapter 1108 Countdown].
What are the spoilers for this manga chapter?

A spoiler is a summary or preview of the content of an upcoming chapter, usually based on leaks or analyses of the original source. Spoilers are not official and may contain inaccurate or incomplete information. Therefore, it is advisable for readers to take them with caution and wait for the official release to enjoy the best reading experience.
The spoiler for One Piece Chapter 1108 is not yet available, as the chapter has not been leaked or analyzed by any source. However, drawing from the events of the previous chapter and the ongoing arc, we can formulate some predictions and conjectures regarding the forthcoming chapter.
One possible scenario is that the chapter refocuses on the main battlefield, where Luffy and his allies are fighting against the Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, led by the two Yonko, Kaido and Big Mom. The last time we saw them, Luffy was facing off against Kaido in a fierce battle, while Zoro, Law, Kid, Killer, and Marco were trying to prevent Big Mom from joining the fight.
The chapter could show the progression and outcome of these battles, as well as the status and actions of other characters involved in the war, such as the Samurai, the Minks, the Scabbards, the Straw Hats, the Heart Pirates, the Kid Pirates, the Fire Tank Pirates, the Sun Pirates, the Grand Fleet, and the Marines.
Another possible scenario is that the chapter continues the flashback of Kuma and Bonney and reveals more details about their past, their relationship, and their connection to the Revolutionary Army, the World Government, and the Celestial Dragons.
The chapter could also show the reaction and intervention of other members of the Revolutionary Army, such as Dragon, Sabo, Ivankov, and Koala, who are present at the scene of Kuma and Bonney’s separation. The chapter could also explain the mystery behind Kuma’s Bible, which he always carried with him and which Bonney inherited from him.
Of course, these are just guesses and assumptions, and the actual content of One Piece Chapter 1108 could be different or surprising. We will update this article as soon as the spoiler for One Piece Chapter 1108 is available, so stay tuned.
English Spoiler Release Date
The English spoiler for One Piece Chapter 1108 is usually released a few hours or a day before the official release of the chapter, depending on the availability and quality of the raw scans. The English spoiler is a translation of the original spoiler, which is usually written in Japanese or Korean. The English spoiler is not official and may contain errors or mistranslations. Therefore, it is advisable for readers to wait for the official release to enjoy the best reading experience.
The English spoiler for One Piece Chapter 1108 is expected to be released on February 26, 2024, depending on the time zone. The exact time of the release may vary, but it is usually in the evening or night in the United States, or in the morning or afternoon in Asia.
English Spoiler Countdown
As of the time of writing this article, there are 5 days, 17 hours, and 45 minutes remaining until the anticipated release of the English spoiler for One Piece Chapter 1108. You can monitor the live countdown here: [One Piece Chapter 1108 English Spoiler Countdown].
Fan Notes and Reviews
One Piece Chapter 1108 is one of the most anticipated chapters of the manga, as it is expected to show the continuation of the epic war between the alliance and the enemy forces in the Wano Country Arc. The chapter has received high ratings and positive reviews from fans and critics, who have praised the story, art, characters, and emotions of the chapter. The chapter has also generated a lot of buzz and speculation for the next chapter, as it left many unanswered questions and cliffhangers. The manga has received a rating of 9.22/10 on MyAnimeList.
Where to Read
One Piece Chapter 1108 can be read online for free and legally on the official platforms of VIZ Media and Manga Plus by Shueisha, which offer the latest chapters of One Piece and other popular manga titles. The chapter can also be read on Shonen Jump, a digital manga magazine that publishes One Piece and other weekly Shonen Jump series.
Printed volumes of One Piece can be purchased from various online and offline retailers, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Book Depository. The latest volume of One Piece in Japan is Volume 106, which contains chapters 1057 to 1066. The latest volume of One Piece in English is Volume 99, which contains chapters 990 to 999.
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Raw Analysis Release Date
A raw scan is an image or scan of the original source of the chapter, usually from the physical or digital copy of Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, where One Piece is published. Raw scans are not official and may have poor quality or watermarks. Therefore, it is advisable for readers to wait for the official release to enjoy the best reading experience.
The raw analysis of One Piece Chapter 1108 is usually released a few days or a week before the official release of the chapter, depending on the availability and reliability of the source. The raw analysis is usually in Japanese or Korean and is not translated into English or any other language. The raw analysis is not intended for public consumption and may be subject to legal action from the publisher or author.
The raw analysis of One Piece Chapter 1108 is expected to be released on February 26, 2024, according to the source. The exact time of the release may vary, but it is usually in the afternoon or evening in Japan, or in the morning or noon in the United States.
Raw Analysis Countdown

As of writing this article, there are 3 days, 9 hours, and 45 minutes left until the expected release of the raw analysis of One Piece Chapter 1108. You can check the live countdown here: [One Piece Chapter 1108 Raw Analysis Countdown].
What happened in One Piece Chapter 1107?
Here is a brief recap of what happened in the previous chapter of One Piece, Chapter 1107, titled “I’m Sorry, Dad”.
The chapter began with a flashback of Kuma and Bonney, who were revealed to be father and daughter. Kuma was a former king of the Sorbet Kingdom, a peaceful and prosperous nation allied with the Revolutionary Army. However, the kingdom was attacked and destroyed by the Celestial Dragons, who wanted to take Kuma as a slave. Kuma managed to escape with Bonney, who was his only surviving child, and joined the Revolutionary Army as a commander. He also became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, a position that allowed him to protect his daughter from the World Government.
However, Kuma’s status as a warlord was revoked after the Great War, and he was captured by the World Government, who experimented on him and turned him into a human weapon, known as PX-0. He was stripped of his free will, memories, and personality, and was forced to obey any order given to him. He was also used as a deterrent against the Revolutionary Army, who could not rescue him without risking a war.
Meanwhile, Bonney, who also became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was determined to save her father from his fate. She used her Devil Fruit power, which allowed her to manipulate her age and that of others, to disguise herself as an old woman and infiltrate the World Government’s headquarters, Mariejois. She managed to free him from his chains and explosive collar, and used her power to restore his appearance and original age. She also tried to restore his memories and will, but it was too late, as the World Government had completely erased them. She then decided to take him to her homeland, the Sorbet Kingdom, where he could rest in peace.
The chapter then returned to the present, where Bonney and Kuma arrived at the ruins of the Sorbet Kingdom, which was still under the control of the Celestial Dragons. They were greeted by other members of the Revolutionary Army, who were shocked and saddened to see Kuma’s condition. Bonney explained to them what had happened to Kuma and how she had saved him. She also revealed that she was his daughter and had inherited his Devil Fruit power, the Paw-Paw Fruit, which allowed her to repel anything with her palms.
The chapter then showed the final moments of Kuma and Bonney, who hugged and cried. Bonney thanked Kuma for being her father and for protecting her all these years. She also apologized for not being able to save him from his fate. Kuma, who was barely conscious, thanked Bonney for freeing him from his misery and giving him a chance to see his homeland again. He also told her that he was proud of her and that he loved her. He then closed his eyes and passed away peacefully, with a smile on his face.
The chapter ended with a narration that said that Kuma’s life was a tragedy, but also a miracle, as he was able to meet his daughter and die as a human, not as a weapon. The narration also said that Bonney’s tears were a tribute to Kuma’s legacy and that his spirit would live on in her heart.
Expectations for the Next Story
One Piece Chapter 1108 is expected to continue the story of the Wano Country arc, which is the thirty-first arc and the fourth arc of the Yonko saga of the One Piece manga. The arc revolves around the alliance of Luffy and his crew with Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid, the Nine Red Scabbards, and other allies, who are attempting to free the Wano Country from the tyranny of Kaido and his crew, the Beast Pirates, who have allied with Big Mom and her crew, the Big Mom Pirates. The arc also presents the involvement of other factions, such as the Marines, the Blackbeard Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Revolutionary Army, who have their own agendas and interests in the conflict.
The Wano Country Arc is divided into five acts, with the first four acts focusing on the preparation, infiltration, rebellion, and raid of the alliance against the enemy forces, and the fifth act being the climax and conclusion of the arc. The current chapter, Chapter 1108, is part of the fifth act, which began in Chapter 1001 and is still ongoing.
The fifth act of the Wano Country Arc has shown the epic battles between the alliance and the enemy forces, both on land and at sea. The climax of the act is the confrontation between Luffy and Kaido, who are both using their advanced forms of Haki and Devil Fruit powers to battle each other.
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