Some time ago at akudamadrive , we warned you: One Piece is taking a decisive turn and venturing into dangerous waters. The saga continues to surprise us, and, according to recent leaks, promises to offer us chapters rich in revelations and strong moments that leave an impression.
Since the spoilers and announcements around Saturn in chapter 1094, tension is at its height. The awakened form of his devil fruit seems to echo a legendary Japanese creature: the Ushi Oni . This revelation drove the Internet crazy, which rushed to theorize the origins of the Gorosei, but it’s not over!
The good news !

Good news for all fans: chapter 1095 is on its way and will arrive without the slightest pause . Even better ? It won’t be followed by an interruption either! Anticipation is ramping up a notch , because based on the feedback we’ve received, this chapter could well be one of the most memorable in a while.
Manga enthusiasts? Stay tuned to MangaMag to stay up to date with the latest news. We’re always the first with the information, and we’re committed to providing you with comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of everything happening in the world of One Piece and beyond.
One Piece 1095: What to expect for the next chapter!
The thrilling story of One Piece 1095 will continue, mainly highlighting the clash between Bonney and Saturn. It is likely that Sanji will become involved in the confrontation between Bonney and Saturn, because he cannot tolerate harm to women. Additionally, the chapter will dwell on the abilities of the Saturn Devil Fruit, further unveiling its powers and potentially showing the extent of its strength.
Anticipation around One Piece 1095
Every One Piece fan is eagerly waiting for Chapter 1095, mainly due to the fact that the previous chapter left readers absolutely stunned. Finally, one of the Five Elders , Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, appeared on Egghead Island . It was only a matter of time before Saturn reached Egghead Island, given the current situation on the island.
read also : One Piece 1095 Spoilers : Will Sentomaru Give His Life to Save Vegapunk?
Confrontation between Bonney and Saturn

At the end of the last chapter, fans saw Bonney spring into action when she encountered Saturn on Egghead Island. To everyone’s surprise, she couldn’t contain her emotions and grabbed a nearby sword to try to stab him. She plunged the sword deep into his chest, and as she did so, fans were able to see dialogue from Kuma’s flashback she recently observed.
It seems Saturn is the man responsible for erasing Kuma’s memory. Initially, Vegapunk seemed hesitant to do so, but it was Saturn who wanted his memory erased so that the Pacifista Project could continue . Knowing he was the one responsible, Bonney plunged the sword deep into his chest, an event that shocked every One Piece fan.
One Piece 1094: Full Recap! A Game-Changing Chapter
Sanji vs. Saturn
To anticipate how the chapter will unfold, we must observe the current situation. Currently, Luffy is down and Kizaru is nowhere to be found. The focus is on Saturn, around which characters such as Vegapunk, Franky, Sanji and Bonney are present. With Bonney having already struck first by attacking Saturn with her sword, it is obvious that Saturn will strike back , which will be the signal for Sanji to spring into action. Fans know that Sanji is a character who absolutely cannot tolerate a woman being hurt. If Bonney is injured by Saturn, we could see a confrontation between Sanji and Saturn in One Piece chapter 1095.
The abilities of the Saturn Devil Fruit
One Piece Chapter 1095 will also focus on Saturn and his Devil Fruit abilities. Fans know that Saturn is very powerful, as he showed in the previous chapter. His Devil Fruit appears to be based on one of the Yokai from Japanese folklore, called the Ushi Oni. However, his full abilities have not yet been revealed. If Saturn retaliates against Bonney, he could use an ability from his Devil Fruit. Even if he doesn’t, if Sanji intervenes against Saturn, it will give him the opportunity to show what he is capable of.
On Luffy and Kizaru’s side
Luffy was seen exhausted in the previous chapter. After fighting Kizaru, he was at the end of his strength. However, he absolutely must return, given that Saturn is in front of him and poses an even greater threat than Kizaru. We can expect Luffy to get back up and fight again. Luffy hasn’t gotten out of his Gear 5 yet.
Despite saying he was exhausted and fell to the ground, Luffy was still in Gear 5. This is in stark contrast to times when Luffy is usually exhausted and loses his transformations. The fact that he is still in Gear 5 indicates that a confrontation with Saturn could take place . One Piece Chapter 1095 might see Luffy get back up towards the end and start the fight against Saturn.
Taking everything into account, One Piece Chapter 1095 promises to be even better than the previous one.